EMPEROR DÖ’S LOVE (May 30, 1989)
Emperor Dö was proud of his many children, but he was most proud of his youngest daughter, Princess Pä. He found her flute playing so delightful that he often asked her to play for him and his most intimate retainers. He also enjoyed her cheerful company during many of his morning strolls in the palace garden. Their intimacy knew no bounds, as she was the only person who was allowed into the emperor’s presence without his own permission. It is said that Princess Pä was only twelve when the emperor invited her to his Deathbed Ceremony with these words: “Come, dearest child, and accompany me to the Gate of Paradise.” Although she was crushed by the prospect of her beloved father’s death, she rejoiced in the honor that he bestowed upon her. She replied with these words: “I will accompany you, dearest father, beyond the Gate of Paradise.” Emperor Dö wept with pleasure when he received her words; however, because of his great love for the charming princess, he decided to thwart her plan in an unprecedented way. To the consternation of the entire court, he died before the appointed hour in the Deathbed Ceremony.