Davor Sviličić keeps a couple of truffle dogs in a makeshift kennel under a stone wall at the western end of Barbacan. I walk past it almost every day on my way to the grocery store on Gradiziol. Every now and then, one of the two dogs barks as soon as it hears my step along the gravel path right above the kennel. “Woof,” goes the single bark. “Woof,” I respond at once. “Woof,” the dog barks back. “Woof,” I take my turn. Without seeing each other, we thus exchange four or five friendly barks as I am walking past. And I am more than certain that the dog is truly happy to hear my steps. These are barks of recognition and appreciation, very like greetings among humans. But they delight me much more than any greetings I exchange with anyone else on my way to the store. The smile on my face tells it all. Behold, the smile of unadulterated recognition and appreciation.