I see an ever-larger number of couples in which the female is taller than the male. This was unimaginable in my youth. Another proof of growing gender equality.
Addendum (July 23, 2022)
Watching humans trample through Motovun at the height of the tourist season, and there are plenty of them this year among years, I am ever more surprised by the number of couples in which females are taller than males. This is hardly a surprise any longer, though. In fact, it is becoming rather normal, as it were. But today I saw a couple in their early thirties in which the female was an entire head taller than the male. And no kidding. They came from the Germanic northwestern Europe. It appears to me that the bulk of such couples is of the same origin, as well. Most of them have Germanic features, indeed. By and by, it will be a surprise seeing someone from this region in which the male is taller than the female. By comparison with my youth, gender equality will turn into something entirely different. New inequality will dominate the human species. Couples in which the male is taller than the female will become history. Even more, such couples will become no less than despicable. Yuck!