And here is the leading expert on the human species at this stage of evolution, and especially the richest and most powerful among them: Jeffrey Edward Epstein.

Addendum (January 4, 2024)

All the media are going crazy today over documents unsealed by a major court that reveal Epstein’s lurid world. Names of his many friends and clients are in the open at long last, including Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump. Not surprisingly, most of these are powerful and rich, too. The only trouble with this media craze is that it focuses on Epstein and his closest associates rather than the elite to which they have catered. Of course, the sexual cravings of the powerful and rich also tell a great deal about the entire human species at this stage of evolution. And this is where the focus of all investigations ought to be rather than any individuals involved. If Epstein himself is to be investigated, this he deserves only as the leading expert on his own species and its ravenous cravings. Besides, he deserves some appreciation and even admiration for his unquestionable prowess.