I realized that my writing project was about liberation not long after I reached it myself (“Toward a Brief Outline of my Residua,” December 30, 2016). And I became aware of my ultimate goal in life only when I “discovered” yoga some eight years earlier. But the roots of my quest go much, much deeper. In fact, they go all the way to my youth, and my book on my meandering quest for liberation is my witness (“Who Is Yoga?” November 26, 2008). At any rate, the trick of tricks came to me at the very beginning of my journey. Whenever an opportunity presented itself, I let my mind roam at will, and I reported in writing whatever I had come across in simplest possible words (“On My Method,” January 5, 1979). Random thought is the mother of all tricks, I reckon in retrospect. Indeed, my writing project would be unimaginable without it (“Method and Madness,” March 14, 1981; and “Method and Madness Revisited: A Note on My Writing Project,” March 29, 2017). But letting your mind roam at will is far from easy. In the end, liberation requires an enormous effort, as well as admirable courage, for there are obstacles galore along the way (“On Liberation,” October 4, 2017). Random thought is a luxury available to but a few. Systems of all descriptions are crowding around us since times immemorial. And most of them are no less than hypnotizing to the gullible: religion, ideology, science…