TRUMP FOR PREZ, AGAIN (July 25, 2019)
After three years at the helm, the forty-fifth American president is already transparent to a good number of political analysts around the globe. According to the best among them, his game is straightforward: charge, retreat, declare victory, and move on. On top of that, never look back. The past is the past. Period. As far as political shenanigans go, the Donald is surely a pro (“The Bullshit Artist,” May 18, 2018). And I cannot but relish everything he does. After all, the wilting American empire deserves no-one but him (“Trump for Prez,” March 7, 2016). Actually, this applies to the entire planet, as well. Something to hate, something to fight, is a godsend in dire times, and these times are surely dire, if not the direst ever (“Son of a Bitch,” September 30, 1988). To conclude, I wish him onto America and the rest of the world for four more years. Tongue-in-cheek though it is, my choice is final. Democracy is for the birds, and the Donald is the proof. His game is already my own, as well: charge, retreat, declare victory, and move on…
Addendum (December 18, 2019)
Even though the Donald is facing impeachment in the Congress right now, I am not changing my wishes. Not in the least. The Democratic House of Representatives is about to vote for impeachment, but the Republican Senate is sure to vote against it shortly afterwards. For all the hoopla, the forty-fifth American president will sail through unharmed. The turmoil between the two political parties will only add to the Donald’s chances at the presidential elections next year. America is sharply divided already, but the division between Democrats and Republicans will get deeper and deeper during the elections. By the time the Donald wins the elections in a bit less than a year, the country will be on the verge of a revolution. Nothing will come out of it, it goes without saying. Most important, all the key issues facing America will be shoved under the rug. Nobody will pay any attention to climate change and environmental degradation, intercontinental migrations they engender, and growing dangers of global conflict. Everybody and their uncle will be talking about the Donald and nothing but the Donald. In fact, the whole world will be bantering only about him. And that is precisely what America and the rest of the world deserve in these dire times, for the real problems facing the human species are way beyond its abilities to master. Hooray!