Just watched Al Gore’s movie about global warming. Quite enjoyed it, as well. Although he himself is a bit too central to the narrative, and although his we-can-do-it call gets rather annoying on occasion, it is a movie well worth watching. And doing something about, of course. But the thing that will remain central to my own experience of the movie is Gore’s tireless proselytizing. In his own words, people are unlikely to do anything about global warming—or anything else, for that matter—without such a personal call to action. Without preaching, that is. That is perhaps the most inconvenient truth that I can glean from the entire movie. What a species!

Addendum (May 30, 2016)

A smashing success that it was when it came out, Al Gore’s movie about global warming is nigh forgotten by now. And so is his proselytizing. Tireless as it surely was, it got nowhere in the end. And that is the real winner in the long series of inconvenient truths that can be gleaned from the movie after so many years. What a species, indeed! In the end, the movie in question was nothing but entertainment. Intellectual entertainment, perhaps, but entertainment still. Homo sapiens, my ass.