BEHAVING MY AGE (February 24, 2007)

I have been thinking about myself. My falls are starting to bother me. I almost snuffed it in the Alps in July 2001. Healing took several months. The fall in Motovun in December 2005 was not that bad, but it still took close to two months for my broken rib to heal. This time around, healing may take a few weeks at most, but I have had enough of the misery. What is the root of all of these mishaps? After some thought, I believe the answer is rather simple: I am not behaving my age. The age of my body, that is. Healthy and strong, I do not feel my body as a burden, and thus I behave as though I am much younger than I actually am. It is time to start behaving differently. Otherwise, I will be falling over and over again, until I get into a real scrap and stay in bed for a long, long while. So much is clear to me now, but I have no idea how to start behaving my age. Would I have to start thinking my age, too?