BLINKING (January 21, 2007)

As I always do when she is departing from Motovun, I waved at her from the Barbacan parking lot as she drove down the hill past the cemetery, and she waved back through the open window of her car, as she always does. But then I dragged myself to Gradiziol just under the fortified gate guarding the entrance to the lower square and watched her car meander through all the sharp turns all the way down to the intersection on the Buje-Buzet road, turn right in the direction of Buzet, and then start gathering speed along the straight stretch of the road on the right bank of the Mirna. As her car became smaller and smaller, and her red lights ever less distinct, I started blinking faster and faster to wipe away the gathering tears. Soon I was blinking like a madman. I gave up only when I could see nothing but a solid blur.