BY MYSELF (January 27, 2007)

My writing has stalled. After a few fallow days, I start feeling odd. What is going on? Only then I realize that I have been spending too little time by myself.

Addendum (October 24, 2016)

A few fallow days? Puzzled by these words, if not the entire haiku, I check the directory at once. There is a piece of writing the previous day. There are two pieces two days before. Three days before, there are two pieces, as well. And there are three pieces four days before. By any standards, these days can hardly be called fallow. And by my current standards, they were pretty fertile, too. Nearly a decade ago, I was eager to see my Residua grow and grow. Things have changed, though. Now I am eager to see it shrink and shrink. Back then, I was pretty innocent of fallow days, but their time has finally arrived. Introduced in earnest only this year, their number has been growing at a clip. The next few years, there will be fallow days galore. And I will be spending ever more time all by myself.