BY WAY OF ART (February 21, 2007)

Orlando Mohorović, Armano Jeričević, and I agreed not long ago to meet before the end of this month and discuss what we could do together by way of art. An exhibition? A manifesto? A joint project? Today we agreed to meet in Motovun a couple of days from now. Orlando will bring large pieces of paper. I have a large table on which we can draw, paint, write, make collages. I also have excellent Teran, an artistic medium par excellence. We will have all manner of pens, markers, brushes, as well as paints, inks, glues. And we will have three cameras to record the event. As we go along, we will figure out what is the next step we will take. By way of art, once again. The best thing about our agreement is that our project could end up either as an exhibition or a manifesto. Or both. Old hands that we are, Orlando, Armano, and I have it all sewn up.

Addendum (February 23, 2007)

Coming from Rabac, Orlando was supposed to pick up Armano around ten o’clock this morning. It would take them another half an hour to get to Motovun from Furuli. They would be in my house by eleven at the latest. Or so I planned my morning. When I called Armano well past noon, he just laughed: “Don’t be impatient!” Spot on! Impatience is the word.