DREAMING, WAKING (April 24, 2007)

I dreamt that I was writing a letter to the editor of a local newspaper. I was complaining about a particular letter of mine, which the newspaper had failed to publish after nearly a week. My letter then turned to letters to the editor in general. I was enlightening the poor editor about such letters, which every major newspaper publishes regularly. All this was written in a carefully gauged Croatian. As my letter became more and more involved, I became aware that I was not asleep any longer. I woke up so gradually that it took me a while to notice that I was actually awake. This letter had to be written, in fact, and thus I kept writing it in my mind. Besides, my dream offered me many good pointers for the chore. Unable to fall asleep again, I realized that the whole thing was rather interesting, and so I turned to writing a piece about this gradual shift from dreaming to waking. I wanted to describe my experience as thoroughly as possible. And all this was written in carefully gauged English. In the end, I had to get up and write everything down so as to be able to fall asleep again. It was still completely dark when I returned to bed, but I kept editing the piece in my mind. By the time I managed to fall asleep again, perhaps I continued writing in my dream, as well. But I was not sure about that when I eventually got up this morning.