I relished the clouds all day today. Pushed by the steady south-westerly wind, many of them sailed in close formation past the Motovun hill since the morning. The towering clouds with silver edges drew me ever higher. And ever closer to the brilliant light that pierced through the clouds. Imagining myself floating up and down their billowing cliffs, I slowly explored the shifting crevices between them, and I dived into the coiling caves that beckoned within them. At first I imagined myself drifting with the clouds in a silent flying saucer of my dreams, but then I realized no marvel of technology was required. None would ever be equal to the task, either. Unaided, my mind was offering all I needed. Liberated at last from the last vestiges of my wayward civilization, I drew ever nearer to the twirling wisps of vapor that waxed and waned with the wind. Having had my fill, by the evening I landed exhausted on top of my enchanted hill.

Addendum (June 5, 2016)

Sitting on my terrace a short while ago, I got caught daydreaming once again about a flying saucer that would let me explore the edges of clouds above. Just like before, I quickly gave up this wonder of technology, and explored the clouds unaided. The same has happened years before, as well (“Humble Daydreaming,” July 13, 2004). What attracted my eye this time around was a hole that went through several layers of clouds and reached all the way to the blue sky above. Each layer was a different shade of gray. On top, its fluffy edges sparkled in sunlight. Continuously shifting in shape and size, the hole was mesmerizing to examine in detail. Squinting all the while, I went up and down its rippling walls. I watched the hole shrink and swell time and again. Indeed, flying saucers are for children only. All the tools needed for explorations of clouds are at hand already. A sharp eye, a steady breath, and a mind open wide…