HARDLY A BLESSING (March 17, 2007)

Tourists are pouring into Motovun already, especially on weekends. But there are ever more of them even between weekends. Most of them still come in small groups, but there are some large groups, too. The elderly and the school children come by busload, but there are plenty of bicyclists and motorcyclists, as well. Quite often they tour the country in sizeable and noisy groups. Perhaps because the winter was short, if not actually abortive, the crowds are not really welcome. Not yet, at least. They feel like intruders. Like trespassers. Well, like locusts. The only reason I am happy to see them is that they presage more open restaurants. More open cafés. And more open stores. Even this has to do with the business of the people from Motovun, who have already spent most of their savings from the last tourist season. I am happy for them, in fact. If tourism is a blessing, it is a mixed one. So mixed, as a matter of fact, that it is hardly a blessing at all.