HIS FERVENT PLEADING (February 27, 2007)

There are many stories about Tlön that defy belief, but they nevertheless keep being told and retold, often with incredible twists. One of them verges on the miraculous, and thus it is probably nothing but an invention of innocent people who did not even know him. One day he was out hunting with several of his mates. They were looking for prey in dense woods along a wide river, which was almost impossible to cross except in mid-summer. At some point he vanished from view. His mates called him again and again, but they could not find him. On their return to the camp, they saw him crossing the river from the other shore. To their amazement, he walked on water. When he joined them, several of his mates stepped back in fright. But then he fell on his knees and elbows begging them for their forgiveness. All was forgiven quickly enough, but his fervent pleading with his mates confused everyone in the camp. As far as it is known, this was the first and last time Tlön had ever walked on water.