IF I WISH TO BE HEARD (January 31, 2007)

Franco Juri and his crew from an Italian television channel in Koper or Capodistria in Slovenia came to see me today. We talked about many things, including the environmental perils of golf and polo, which still threaten Motovun in spite of many warnings by the greens. We also talked about smog in Istria, a subject no journalist or television crew would touch in Croatia. Perhaps it impinges on tourism in Istria a bit too directly? At any rate, the whole thing went well. With a little bit of local Teran, it was fun, too. When we were finished, Franco started telling me when our talk would be aired, so I could watch it. I interrupted him at once by saying that I do not have a television set. In fact, the main reason for agreeing on our talk was somewhat practical: given that an ever-smaller number of people here and elsewhere read newspapers, or anything else, for that matter, I know that I must master television cameras if I wish to be heard on green issues of all kinds. Put simply, I am in training of sorts, and every opportunity to hone my skills is very much welcome. Franco took it with a big smile.