IN MY OWN GARDEN (April 5, 2007)

The wisteria in my garden started blooming a few days ago. All kinds of insects are going nuts over its voluptuous flowers. This afternoon I remembered that I had written about the magnificent creeper’s blooming either last year or the year before. And I was curious about the date. Somehow, I thought it was later in the season. When I searched my Residua, I found the piece quickly enough: “The Blooming Wisteria” (May 2, 2005). One whole month in two short years. Dramatic climate change in my own garden.

Addendum I (June 11, 2007)

About a week ago, the wisteria under my terrace started blooming again. Although I cannot be sure about the dates, the same thing had surely happened last year, as well. I know little about the wisteria’s ways, but I am still sure it is not meant to bloom twice a year. And two years in a row. One way or another, insects of all sorts are going nuts over its voluptuous flowers once again. They could not care less about oddities like double blooming seasons. On the contrary. The way things are going, dramatic climate change is quite a boon for them. As the old adage suggests, the insects may well inherit the earth.

Addendum II (July 10, 2007)

Well, the wisteria is blooming yet again. This is its third time, and the whole thing is getting rather boring. The second time around, there were fewer flowers than the first time, and this time there are fewer flowers than the second time, but blooming it is nonetheless. How many more times will it bloom this season? Hard to tell, for obvious reasons, but I would be hardly surprised by further surprises. Oops.