IN SICH GEHEN (January 30, 2007)

Thus a German expression for something that can be roughly translated as “going into oneself.” As soon as I learnt it today, I felt elated. I was surprised at first, but then it dawned on me that it captures something of the Motovun winter. The time to go into oneself. To dive within. To rejoice in one’s own company. Although most people in these parts perceive the winter as something rather negative, or even terrifying, it is actually a wonderful time. A time of reunion with oneself. And rejoicing in one’s inner self. For some reason, the German expression captures the sentiment so much better than any English expression I have learnt so far. Which only goes to show that my lessons with Paul Müller are starting to pay off. To bear fruit. As would surely be the case with lessons in any other language, for there are fruits of so many different tastes, but the joy is nonetheless so palpable that it cannot go unmentioned. German be praised.