IN THREE PARTS (March 17, 2007)

I dreamt that I was watching a kitten that behaved very strangely. Quite small, it was white with yellow patches. It was walking and mewing all the time. Something was wrong with it. But when I saw it flop on its side, I realized it must be in great pain. It was sick. It got up, though, and it kept walking and mewing. But then it flopped on its side once again. This time it broke in three parts: the head with front legs, the middle, and the rump with hind legs and the tail. There was no blood. The sections between the body parts appeared to be dry already. And then the head and the front legs somehow straightened up again. Swaying on the unsure legs in search of balance, the broken kitten kept mewing and mewing. I woke up before I could figure out how to help it.