IVAN’S MIRTH (May 17, 2007)

When he gets going, Ivan Hrvatin can tell funny stories for as long as there is anyone who wishes to listen to them. All of them from real life, they just keep welling up. And many of them are truly funny. The funnier the stories get, the greater the delight in watching Ivan tell them. His eyes get ever more narrow, and he giggles ever more contagiously as he goes along. But the stories about an old gentleman from Pazin known for his many amorous exploits are undoubtedly the funniest. The fellow is almost ninety now, but he still insists he is as active as ever. Last night at Klaudio’s Ivan told a story about a conversation between the old gentleman and another one, also from Pazin, who is only a few years younger. They were discussing a particularly demanding amorous embrace in quite some detail. “May I be so bold as to ask,” the older gentleman ventured politely at some point, “how long is it?” “Well,” the younger one responded rather reluctantly, “fifteen centimeters.” “Ah,” the older gentleman shook his head somewhat apologetically, “the minimum required for this particular embrace is nineteen centimeters!” But you should have seen Ivan’s mirth. As he giggled, his eyes disappeared completely.