Screaming my head off, I woke up in the middle of the night. A man with a long beard somehow got into my bedroom. He was walking round my bed when I first saw him. Frightened out of my wits, I propped myself up and started screaming at the top of my voice. The only thing I remember about the man besides his bushy beard is that he wore a white T-shirt with a green design printed on its front. I could not discern what the design was about, though. When I turned on the light, there was no-one in my room. The only thought I could manage at the moment was that my scream was so powerful that my closest neighbors must have been frightened by it, too. But I had no idea whether the scream was a part of my dream or not. On some reflection, I concluded I should not worry about the neighbors. After all, most of the houses around me are still empty. My closest neighbors are ghosts.