MY MOTHS (February 16, 2007)

When I told Karmela and Miroslav Kiš that moths are my greatest enemies, for they love my oriental carpets, they looked at each other. “Laurel,” they said in one voice. I was surprised, and it showed. “It’s even better than lavender,” Karmela said and Miroslav nodded. The two of them know a lot about plants, and so I went to my garden, where there are tons of laurel. Literally. Whole trees have sprung up all over the garden in the last few years. At first I cut a few branches and picked the best leaves from them on my terrace. But then I realized this was rather wasteful, for all kinds of bugs feast on laurel. Only about one leaf in ten passed my scrutiny. Besides, now I need this botanical prodigy, too. Thus I changed my tack and picked the best leaves directly from the trees. And I got ever more choosy as I went along. Only the best for my moths.