MY NEW DIET (June 3, 2007)

I have been experimenting with my diet lately. I still eat a single banana in the morning and some roasted peanuts during the day, but I eat only a small bowl of boiled rice twice a day. Around noon, I boil a cup of rice together with a dollop of my hot sauce, and eat the lot in two sittings with some yogurt sprinkled on top. Fortunately, this amount of rice fits perfectly into a tiny steel pot I use a lot in my kitchen. It was designed with my cooking in mind, or so it seems. Together with a bigger meal once or twice a fortnight, as well as an occasional piece of fruit, my new diet appears to suit me perfectly. It takes so little effort, too. Looking back, I am surprised it has taken me so long to come upon my new diet. A cup of boiled rice a day!

Addendum (July 6, 2007)

As is the case with many other fruits, this year tomatoes have ripened about a month ahead of the schedule. They are shining red from many a shady garden in and around Motovun. And so I have adjusted my diet, albeit only slightly. Together with rice, I eat tomatoes, which I slice and sprinkle with salt only. As diets go, mine is no less than fabulous. Once again, I cannot fathom my blindness so far. Indeed, I am shocked by it.