NEW HOLE IN THE WALL (February 15, 2007)

It was raining heavily a couple of nights ago, and I had a feeling one wall or another in Motovun would collapse because of the deluge. As soon as I learned this morning that a bit of the town walls had fallen off yesterday, I rushed to see the damage. A big hole is now gaping on the section of the wall facing southeast. It is about two thirds of the way up from the Barbacan parking lot. As it is partly covered by ivy, which is largely responsible for the collapse, it is hard to tell how big the hole actually is, but it is clear that it will get ever larger if it is not fixed soon. A whole section of the wall may eventually collapse, as well. But no-one I talked to about the latest development was interested. “If only it all came down!” shrugged his shoulders one of them. “To hell with the wall!” another waved his arm dismissively. The new hole in the wall is the least of our problems.