NO JUICE, NO JUICE… (March 28, 2007)

When there is no juice, you could do something that does not require it at all. Especially during the day, like right now, you could do quite a few things without the damned juice. But the uninterruptible power supply system protecting your computer makes sure you cannot forget about it. “No juice,” it beeps, “no juice, no juice…” Sometimes it keeps beeping for hours. The best thing you can do under the circumstances is to go out for a walk. The trouble is that the beeping keeps resonating in your mind long after you leave the house. If only you knew how long it would go on, you would run out as soon as it started. If you hesitate even for a few minutes, trying to gauge the length of the damned beeping, it will stay with you for hours: “No juice, no juice…” Even after the juice comes back.