ON RELATIVTY (January 28, 2007)

They are talking about real-estate transactions. Or history. Or maybe even social justice. The argument is getting ever more heated. And scientific. I am only listening, not daring to interfere, lest I get clobbered by science, too. “That’s relativity for you,” says one with conviction. “What are you talking about?” says the other, sensing imminent defeat. “It’s all relative,” comes the ready answer. “That has nothing whatsoever to do with the theory of relativity,” retorts the other, looking around for assistance, but in vain. “Come on,” the first one responds with indignation bordering on triumph, “it all depends on your point of view!” A whole century on, that is about the best understanding of Einstein you can get in Istria. And not only Istria, I hasten to add. Poor Einstein! A mere victim of language. Worse, a mere victim of culture, broadly speaking. But the argument is still unassailable.