OUT OF BOUNDS (April 25, 2007)

After a silly chore at the post office, I decide to see how Savo Grubor is doing. His outdoors café on the town walls tends to get crowded even early in the season, especially on a nice day. I find a couple of old hands at the bar, and we have a good chat. When they leave, I chat a bit more with Savo. “Are you bored?” he asks me out of the blue and screws up his face in exaggerated sympathy. “No, no,” I respond without thinking. God forbid! Even if I were bored out of my wits, I would never admit it. As far as I am concerned, boredom is out of bounds. A second later I look into my soul. I am not bored, of course. Not in the least. “No, no,” I repeat with a big smile, and Savo nods back happily.