PLANTING (April 9, 2007)

Together with my beloved, I just planted fifteen shoots of lavender in the planters lining much of my terrace, which had been derelict for all these years. She brought the shoots from Zagreb, even though lavender grows all over Istria. To the best of my knowledge, it is indigenous to it, as well. Neither of us has ever planted anything, and so we feel kind of elated by the experience. My beloved is ready for more planting, too. As far as I can tell, I would not mind it, either. Working together is a special joy. Planting may in time turn into one of our many diversions. Garden, beware!

Addendum (February 15, 2008)

Seven out of fifteen lavender shoots died by the end of last summer. However, they flowered before they went dry. It seems that July and August were too hot and dry for them in their shallow planters, although I watered them regularly. At any rate, this afternoon my beloved and I bought seven more shoots in a nursery close to Umag on the western coast of Istria. We will wait with planting for a month or so, by which time the winter frosts will be well behind us. This time around I will be a bit more careful with watering, especially during hot and dry spells. I hope they will survive the coming summer. Sooner or later I will get the hang of it, though. Look out, garden!