PREDICTABLE BEHAVIOR (February 20, 2007)

When I watch a ladybug crawl around, I can tell pretty well when it is about to take to the wing. It raises the front part of its unwieldy body, it arches its head upward, and it parts the protective shell hiding its wings. It does not fly off every time it stops to do that, for it sometimes returns to crawling hither and thither, but its intentions are clear enough. After several attempts, the wings show up from under the shell, and it takes to flight. More often than not, it lands not far from where it took off. Am I equally predictable to someone or something watching me as I watch the ladybug? Can that someone or something also tell pretty well when I will get up, walk to my computer, and jot down a few words about my mastery of the ladybug’s behavior? And does this very someone or something take the same pleasure out of the mastery of my own predictable behavior?