SO FEROCIOUSLY (February 19, 2007)

A sharp pain in my mouth awoke me in the middle of the night. I also felt the saltiness of blood on my tongue. Assuming that a tooth was acting up, I quickly fell asleep again. By the time I woke up in the morning, I forgot about the tooth. It did not hurt any longer, and I put it out of my mind. As usual, I had only a banana for breakfast. It took me until lunch for the pain to return. As it turned out, it had nothing to do with teeth. In retrospect, it did not feel like toothache, either. Actually, I bit myself in my sleep. It must have been quite a bite, too, for it is still difficult to chew on that side of the mouth. The pain returned at dinnertime, as well. But what happened in my sleep? What did I dream about? Most important, what was it that I bit so ferociously? I have no idea, and that strikes me now as the only trouble with the nagging pain. It has been entirely in vain.