STICKING IT OUT (March 29, 2007)

One of the benefits of sticking it out with the same art project for decades is that so many others join you along the way. Even if you remain completely alone, you can spot the difference between your own deeds at different times. You multiply as you go along. You grow in numbers. And you take ever more joy in the growing diversity that you leave in your wake. I am a witness. Both in writing and painting, I have multiplied into throngs already. My writings bear witness to so many souls that have sprung into being since the beginning more than three decades ago. The same is true of my paintings, where so many hands and eyes have sprouted since more than two decades ago. Besides, the two projects have become intertwined in so many ways that it is increasingly difficult even for me to be sure who it was among so many of my incarnations that guided or followed. But it hardly matters any longer, for the two projects are one already. My forces are joined. They are jubilant. And all this for nothing more than sticking it out for decades.