SUCH A TEMPTATION (March 3, 2007)

Yesterday afternoon, when I called Mauricio and Robi Benčić to ask them about the new fence, they told me that they had just painted it. And they promised to install it this morning. The time they gave me was between nine and nine-thirty. I immediately set the alarm on my mobile phone for eight-thirty. This is between one and two hours earlier than I normally get up, and so I was quite anxious about the whole thing. The entire night I tossed and turned on account of my morning appointment. As I was getting up, I promised myself to take an afternoon nap to make up for the lost sleep. I just got up from my sweet slumber. It was simply delicious. As I have gotten out of the habit of taking afternoon naps, I immediately promised myself to resume the old habit. Besides, according to some research reported in the last issue of The Economist, afternoon naps prolong life and improve health, too. Who could resist such a temptation?