THE COLD SPELL (March 22, 2007)

The last few days have been quite cold, especially in the morning, when the temperature usually hovers just above freezing. Starting with a bout of snow, which still covers some hills to the north of Motovun, the temperature has dropped considerably. This interlude is likely to hold for another few days, but that seems to be the real end of the winter. Be that as it may, I am going on about the weather because it has affected so many insects that have appeared rather early this year. As of the beginning of this week, most of them have vanished. Entirely. The last couple of days, I have not seen a single insect either indoors or outdoors. Where are they? Has the cold killed them? Or are they cowering in the warmest hiding places they could find? Quite a few of the insects that can be found in these parts are far from great company, but I still kind of miss them. Not only kind of, either. I miss their shapes and colors. I miss their buzz and whine. And I miss their many tricks, some of which are no less than stunning. All things considered, I am almost prepared to promise myself that I will never again be annoyed with any of the insects that come my way. The cold spell be praised.