THE HORROR OF PROGRESS (February 26, 2007)

Once upon a time, the earth was infinite in size. If you traveled on foot or raft round and round the planet, and if you never stopped anywhere for more than a few days, it would still seem unending. Even if you chanced upon the same spot more than once, you would not recognize it after so many years of wandering. The spot would strike you as new, and thus add to your delusion of the earth’s endlessness. Looking back, your error would make you much more enthralled by your world than could ever be the case today. After so much progress, the world has shrunk into a small ball you can cross in a day, albeit by some wonder of science and engineering. Inundated by so many images of every spot on the planet, which stream your way endlessly by means of some other wonder, each and every spot seems familiar even if you have never actually come across it. Which illustrates the horror of progress pretty well. By and by, the world has shriveled into a single spot. Beyond the horizon, there is absolutely nothing.