THE WAITING (March 19, 2007)

After a good series of balmy days, the weather changed rather suddenly early last night. Although the temperature did not drop but little, a nagging wind carrying light rain broke the long spell. It has been blustering ever since. The rain comes and goes, but the threat of another downpour is always in the air. And the clouds appear ever lower, ever darker, ever more ominous. Unpleasant, but not out of the ordinary for this season. Not at first sight, at least. The trouble is that the turn in the weather was forecast an entire week in advance. According to the early warning, a sudden drop in temperature by as many as ten degrees Celsius could bring snow, as well. The misery could last for days, and maybe even an entire week. Originally, the onset of the cold spell was forecast for today, but then it was postponed until tomorrow. And so the waiting for something extraordinary to happen has become worse than the actual change in the weather. The warning came way too early. The continual moaning of the wind does not help a single bit, either. Feeling beleaguered, one wishes to close all the shutters, turn off all the lights, and go into hibernation out of season.