WE COULD GET FAR (April 10, 2007)

I have had enough of so many years of silence from the Motovun Municipality authorities. Article Forty-Six of the Croatian constitution guarantees my right to get timely answers to questions, proposals, disapprovals. My beloved helps me find on the World Wide Web the information I need to bring a legal claim to the Constitutional Court of Croatia. “Ah,” she sighs in the end, “we could get far with your aggression and my brains!”

Addendum I (January 30, 2008)

We were both deluded, it goes without saying. As it turned out, the Constitutional Court deals exclusively with unlawful decisions of lower courts, rather than infringements of the supreme law itself. No-one in any Croatian office I have ever written to has been very much impressed by the mention of the constitution, either. Going to a lower court on account of the administration’s silence is out of the question, of course. And that is that. The constitution is for the birds, no matter what combination of aggression and brains you may boast singly or collectively.

Addendum II (March 2, 2015)

Speaking of the Constitutional Court of Croatia, the delusion is getting deeper and deeper. I had no idea what was in store when the original piece was written, but I ended up in court for all my questions, proposals, disapprovals, and much more beside. The story is too long to even attempt here, but my appeal against decisions of lower courts has been waiting for years now. What is worse, my appeal has to do with the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, which stipulates that all legal instances must be exhausted before appealing to the highest court in Europe. Looking back, no-one could get far with the legal system in Croatia. Any combination of aggression and brains should be pointed elsewhere. Enough said.

Addendum III (January 25, 2017)

Well, well. My case against Croatia and its crooked courts has been with the court in Strasbourg since June 2015, but I am still waiting for the final verdict. And it is anyone’s guess how much longer I will have to wait for justice, as it were. As years go by, I am ever more convinced that neither my aggression nor my beloved’s brains will get us very far in any walk of life, let alone justice. Justice is for the birds, anyhow. And the only way forward is to step out of this world. Although there are bureaucracies galore, and they will pursue everyone till death, stepping out of the world is still possible. Abandoning thought at will and for as long as one wishes is the only way forward worth talking about. Bye-bye, world! As it turns out, neither aggression nor brains are needed in the end. Alleluia!