Thus The New York Times today. “Scientists are trying to figure out which species to save, and how,” explains the newspaper. The Anthropocene is the name given to the sixth mass extinction in the history of the planet. To put it bluntly, its cause is the human infestation. By the end of the century, between a third and a half of all species could be wiped out because of climate change. The species are disappearing as much as a thousand times faster than the rate at which species naturally go extinct. Scientists are focusing on “refugia,” regions around the world that have remained relatively stable during previous swings of the climate on earth. Not only animals, but also plants need to be moved to such regions. Trees are the least capable of moving, scientists point out. But the refugia need to be protected from human assaults, such as illegal logging and water contamination. In short, building an ark for the Anthropocene is a tall order. With up to a half of all species lost by 2100, the question is what are the chances that humans will be around to tend the refugia. Interestingly, this is a thorny issue the article skirts completely.