BELGRADE BOOK FAIR (October 3, 2014)

This year’s book fair in Belgrade will take place between October 26 and November 2. It will be the fifty-ninth in a row. One of the oldest and most important literary events in the region, it kicked off in 1957. I was eleven at the time. Last year it attracted close to one-hundred and sixty-thousand visitors. I remember going to the fair while I was living in Belgrade, but I do not remember exactly when or how often I visited it. The only reason why I am going on and on about it is that I will take part in the event this year. Actually, I will present my book about climate change at the fair (“Go Belgrade, Go!” August 29, 2014). Published in English by HESPERIAedu, a Belgrade publisher of some renown, it is supposed to go into print early next week. I am not yet sure what will be asked of me at the fair, but I expect one or two public appearances at which I will have a chance to present my last book. Nearly a month ahead of time, I already feel a bit awkward. My book offers little if any hope in the short or medium run, and its title is only a spoof on good old Lenin (“What is to Be Done?” July 25, 2014). Nothing can be done, that is. All is well in the long run, though. We are all dead, of course, but the children of our children’s children return to tribal life of our ancestors, for which they have all the right genes. Alleluia!

To John Maynard Keynes