DEDOMESTICATION (October 1, 2014)

Thus the first word that came to my mind upon waking this morning. “What will happen with so many cats and dogs that will survive Armageddon?” I asked myself. “Many of them will perish,” I answered my own question at once, “but the remainder will be dedomesticated.” The same will happen with humans, of course. Domesticated by civilization, they will get dedomesticated after its disintegration. The process will take a long time, though. Dedomestication among domestic animals will be much swifter. Many of them have been rendered incapable of living in the wild by breeding, but some of them will manage to return to the wild. Again, cats and dogs will do the best of them all. As many wild species will be history by the end of the century, dedomesticated cats and dogs will become game by then. Although some will get redomesticated in time, many will be eaten by starving humans. As soon as I got out of bed, I went to my study, turned on my computer, and googled “dedomestication.” I found a whole bunch of things in a jiffy. Sometimes it is spelled “de-domestication,” but it is spelled “dedomestication” often enough. And I felt jubilant. Not everyone out there is stupid!

Addendum (August 20, 2016)

All of this applies also to humans, who are nothing but animals. They, too, will become dedomesticated just like cats and dogs of this world. To begin with, jails will open their gates. Many a male human jailed for violent crimes will be free again. For centuries, jails have been at the frontier of human domestication, but the game will be reversed soon enough. And in one fell swoop, as it were. In this connection, America comes to mind at once. Untold black males will be free at long last. Many of them will be in their youth still. Quickly enough, schools around the world will close their gates, as well. After jails, schools have been foremost in human domestication for at least a couple of centuries. All in all, dedomestication of humans will start with a big bang.