MY LAST BOOK (September 29, 2014)

Although my last book is still uppermost on my mind, as is the case with every selection from my Residua after its completion, I rarely talk about it. The best I could do about it was to make it available on my Ca’ Bon Gallery website ( But I still broach the subject every now and then, and especially when I talk to people one-to-one. To my amazement, I have not yet talked to anyone in and around Motovun who has disagreed with my basic points. To wit, there is nothing we can do about climate change. The shit will hit the fan in a couple of decades. By the end of the century, the earth will be a different place. The best we can do about it is disaster management, for survival is at stake. Most of the people I talk to do not bat an eyelid at any of these points, but they perk up when I turn to the local scene. Istria is off the beaten path. Local people know their chickens and potatoes as well as their wine and truffles. Members of small communities, they can organize themselves when the going gets tough. Interestingly, the people I talk to who agree most with the last few points are newcomers, like me. Many of them foreigners, they can easily imagine how badly things could go back home. After a number of years in these parts, they know the local people well enough, too. As far as survival is concerned, Istria is a pretty good place. And the best I can hope for is that my last book will find but a few readers away from the magical peninsula.