NORTHWARD, SOUTHWARD (September 23, 2014)

Climate Central, a think tank from Princeton, New Jersey, surveys and conducts research on climate change ( It aims to inform the American public on the climate’s impact. It has just come up with a report entitled Washington, DC, and the Surging Sea: A Vulnerability Assessment with Projections for Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding. According to the report, Washington, DC, is likely to be visited by record flooding by 2040. In short, the capital of the United States is far from a good place in which to stay for long. Climate Central’s research indicates that many people across the country will have to move sooner or later. And the best place for most Americans to move to is Alaska. In general, the best way to go is northward. With a little bit of savvy, Canada is the American dream. So far, so good. What Climate Central does not cover, though, is the upcoming glaciation period. It is still in the range of science fiction, as it were. Once the new ice age begins, the best way to go will be southward. Oops. Confusing, to be sure. Perhaps the best advice to the American public is to stay where they are. If only they could.