ON REFERENDA NEAR AND FAR (September 17, 2014)
I do not like the Scottish referendum. Deep down, it smacks of nationalism to me, and there is no nationalism to my liking anywhere around the globe. Thus I would like the Scots to leave the United Kingdom if they so wish. If not, let them stay in friendship in spite of national differences. But I like the upcoming British referendum, and I would like the United Kingdom to leave the European Union a few years from now. This has nothing to do with nationalism, for the United Kingdom is not a nation, but with the botched-up Union. Given its many faults, which will become ever more difficult to endure, it is better for the United Kingdom to go it alone. To make it stronger, I would like yet another referendum bringing not only Scotland, but also Ireland into the fold. Together with England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, the five island nations could do very well together, assuming that they abandoned nationalism in all its forms in the meanwhile. The last referendum makes me smile so many years in advance, and especially when I look at the map of the archipelago. It looks wonderful. Nationalism is for the birds, anyway.