THE CHEERING (October 1, 2014)

Chieftain Buroogu got wounded in a hunting expedition far away from the huts. A spear bounced off the back of an animal and ended up in his shoulder. For a while, it looked as if his end was nigh, but he started recovering soon after the accident. As the hunters carried him to the huts, the whole tribe assembled along the way. A long procession followed him to his hut, which was surrounded by all the other huts. By the time they reached the circle, Buroogu was well enough to stand on his feet. “Speech,” everybody yelled, “speech!” The hunters raised him above the crowd on a platform made by their spears. “I thought my end was nigh,” he started, “but this was not to be.” There was much cheering. “Your concern helped me to my feet,” he continued. The cheering was louder this time. “Thank you for your concern,” he concluded, “which I will reward right now with a big feast!” The cheering went on and on as the drums joined in. Fires were started at once to prepare the game brought from the hunt. As soon as the hunters lowered him to the ground, he started dancing. “Chief,” one of the hunters approached him with a pained expression on his face, “you need to rest!” Buroogu laughed and continued dancing: “My tribe is my medicine.” The next day, he seemed to be fully recovered.