THE CREEPY-CRAWLIES (October 4, 2014)

My day started miserably. As soon as I woke up, I remembered my appeal with the Constitutional Court of Croatia, which has been in the queue for more than three years already. Slobodan Vugrinec came to my mind out of the blue. The man who does everything in the dark and behind closed doors was followed by Denis Hek, the Pazin judge who found me guilty of insult when I likened Vugrinec to a cockroach. He is known to be very close to the Istrian Democratic Assembly, just as the former mayor of Motovun. Ivan Jakovčić, the former governor of Istria and the former head of the Istrian Democratic Assembly, came to my mind next. He was a great fan of golf, as well as the man squarely behind Vugrinec. Ivo Sanader, a former prime minister of Croatia, followed him in my mind. The entire golf scam in Croatia was his creation. Together with his closest associates, he was to profit from untold golf courses across the country. Although he is in jail for many of his crimes, crooked golf is not among them. In the end, Jasna Omejec came to my mind. The president of the Constitutional Court of Croatia, she is at the very zenith of the corrupt court system in the country. In my mind, Vugrinec, Hek, Jakovčić, Sanader, and Omejec stood next to each other. They all looked at me without a word. I could see scorn in their eyes. And all I could do is curse my fate under my breath. To no avail, though. I can curse crooked Croatia as long as I wish, but I am entirely alone against the creepy-crawlies. There are zillions of them all around me, too. Getting out of bed was a chore this morning.