THE END OF THE THIRD QUARTER (September 30, 2014)

I have always been fond of statistics pertaining to my writing. Year after year, my records show the number of pieces written, the number of addenda extending these pieces, and the number of words. All sorts of averages accompany these numbers. Given that my writings are arranged in yearbooks, this makes quite a bit of sense. Yearly statistics tell me quite a bit about my progress. But I am writing more and more, and thus I am maintaining quarterly statistics, as well. These records are temporary, but I find them quite useful as months go by. Today is the last day of the third quarter, and I am very much aware of all the numbers. They give me a pretty good feeling about the final results for this year. At the end of the fourth quarter, I will have about one-thousand and four-hundred pieces and one-hundred and forty addenda. I will also have about a quarter of a million words. At this rate, I will have three-million words by the end of the first quarter next year. This is what the statistics tell me today. And I am over the moon, it goes without saying. No matter how often I scold myself on account of my silliness, and no matter how harsh I am in so doing, my records give me enormous joy. Yuck. The end of the third quarter, my ass.