TOO INTELLIGENT BY HALF (September 28, 2014)
Having just spotted a child with Down syndrome on the hotel terrace, I checked the genetic disorder on the World Wide Web. It did not take me long to find the basic information I was looking for. Those with the syndrome suffer from a mild to moderate intellectual disability. The average intelligence quotient of a young adult with Down syndrome is fifty, which is equivalent to that of a normal child of eight or nine years of age. About one in a thousand babies born each year suffer from Down syndrome. That proportion seems to be stable over time even though the syndrome can now be identified before birth. And so on, and so forth. I abandoned my search soon enough, but only then I realized why I was interested in it to begin with. Not only that I feel sympathy for children with Down symptom, but I also feel that they are lucky not to be normal. That is, fully human. In addition, we are all lucky that they are not fully human. Judged by their intelligence, each one of them will do only a half of the damage the normal human being is capable of. Put the other way around, the humans who do not suffer from Down syndrome are too intelligent by half.